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Dramatically Increase Your Email Click-Through Rate

email engagement email marketing online business

To run a profitable online business, your audience must be so excited when they receive your emails that they take the action prescribed in that email.

The good news is there are strategies you can use to increase this level of engagement. 

Yet this is where so many marketers get it wrong.  They send an email with just a call to action, like:

Hey, do this…

Hey, I’m doing this on Saturday, click the button and join me…

In my experience, these are bad emails because they just do not convert.  Everyone’s inbox is inundated daily, so for your email to stand out, you must have next-level communication skills.

The examples above don’t engage the reader, they just tell them what to do.  Put yourself in the reader’s position… When you read an email like this, isn’t your first thought, ‘Why?’  Most recipients disregard it and move on.

A Little Information Goes a Long Way

Then you have mediocre emails.  These contain a call to action AND a little information.  This information is ‘why’ they should take action.  For example:

Hey, did you know there are 7 steps to building an online business?  3 of them won’t even cost you a penny.  On Saturday I’m going to host a masterclass and reveal all 7 to you.  Click here to reserve your seat.

Imagine receiving this for a moment.  If you didn’t already have a connection with the sender, your first thought may be, “well… let me think about it… I may come back to this when I have some time.” 

The reality is you’ll forget, and move on… and so does everyone else.  Why?  Because it didn’t hit you hit you in a way that truly resonates with you.

This is the kind of email the vast majority of online marketers send from the very start.  They consider these nurture emails, because they’re sending their audience to some type of training, but there’s no authentic connection that’s being made.

It’s no surprise that very few people will take action and actually click the link.   That’s why industry standard click-through rates are only 1% to 2%.  But let’s face it, that’s setting the bar pretty low isn’t it?  Especially since there’s a way to take email engagement to a whole other level…

A 3 Step Framework for Every Email You Write

Today I’m going to share the 3 step framework I use in every email I write  This has allowed me to achieve off the charts click-through rates, and what’s particularly interesting is that these metrics have remained consistent, even as my audience grows. 

Here’s the outline:

Part 1 - Story

Start with a story.  Your story is where the connection with your reader is created.  Personally, I want my audience to see themselves through the story of my own journey and experience.  If they relate to this, it creates a feeling deep within them, and they build this connection to me.  We all know that people take action based on a feeling or emotion, then justify that action later through logic.

The goal in every communication is to create a feeling or connection before even getting to the information and call to action.  That connection is created through story:

On the day I started my first launch, in September of 2018, my wife and I were out on our boat, and I said to her, ‘Could you image if this makes an extra 40 - 50 thousand dollars a year?’

At the time I had no idea what was coming my way.  One week later, without even knowing what I was doing, my bank account grew by 93 thousand dollars!

In just one week I doubled what I was hoping to make for the year!  Immediately I realized I needed to learn how to navigate the online business world.  After reading tons of books, and attending live workshops and conferences, I whittled down all that information into a 7 step process to build a highly successful online business.  In fact, using this process, we grew from nothing to over a million dollars in revenue in less than 2 years.

As word got out about the success I was having, multiple friends asked me to share this with them.  Many of them went on to generate multi-six figure incomes with their businesses, in the first year alone! 

At this point, I’ve hopefully created a connection with the reader.  They’re getting a little window into my life, instead of me just telling them to click a button and sign up.  My goal is for them to see their own journey, in my story as someone who didn’t even know what he was doing, or comprehend what was truly possible when I was first starting off.  I want this to create intrigue so they keep reading and wanting to know more…

Part 2 - Information (The What and the Why)

We want to keep the story short, but once we wrap the story, we add in some information:

This Saturday, I’ll be hosting a masterclass where I’m going to show you all 7 steps.  What’s really exciting about these 7 steps is that you can start implementing them immediately.  In fact, within just a few weeks of putting these steps into action, many of my students are already earning $1000 or more.

Make sure the date and time are clearly stated.  I like to input bullet points for these.  As people often skim through an email and may miss those details, it’s hard to miss bullet points.

Part 3 - Call to Action

We finish with a Call to Action:

Click the link to reserve your seat - it’s free!

This can either be a colored button, or highlighted text.  Either way, make sure the call to action is clear.  

Dramatically Increase Your Engagement with Stories

Remember, your followers don’t want to open their email and just be told what to do.   Stories allow you to consistently build trust with your audience.  You want them to think, “Every time I get an email from him, it’s entertaining, enlightening, motivating, etc…”

As more and more online marketers write emails that just ‘go for the click,’ make yours stand apart.  Your audience should see your email and immediately think, ‘let’s see what he has to share today.’

  • Remember, an authentic story creates a connection.  You increase your engagement by telling a story that creates a feeling. 
  • Then give them information and a reason why they should take action.
  • Finally, provide a clickable call to action button or link.  

Give this outline a try.  I’m confident that over the course of just a few emails, you’ll see a dramatic increase in your email engagement rates.

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