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The Most Valuable Asset In Your Business

email marketing online business

You may think that the most valuable asset of your online business, is the course, membership, or the coaching product that you sell, however, it’s not.

Typically you will build your audience by sharing free content that’s both highly valuable and engaging.  Then you’ll monetize that audience through a paid program or membership.  But the most valuable asset in your business is your email list.

Here’s why:  It’s through email that you nurture an authentic connection with those individuals who will ultimately become customers and clients. 

Plus, unlike social media posts that are only seen by 5% - 10% of your followers, when you send an email to 1000 people, it shows up in the inboxes of those 1000 people.

When you have something important to share with your audience, you must send an email to let them know.

Your Very Own Private ATM Machine

But here’s where it gets very exciting.  Your email list essentially becomes your own private ATM machine.

When you need an influx of cash into your business, simply create a highly valuable offer, send out a series of emails to let your audience know the results the offer provides, put a deadline on that offer, and watch the sales flow in.

However, you don’t want to ONLY send emails promoting your products or services.  That will quickly burn out your audience.  Just flip the script.  If you were to constantly receive emails that said, ‘buy my stuff, buy my stuff, buy my stuff,’ you’d unsubscribe and move on.  The same is true with your audience.

So you must approach this with a well thought-out strategy.  The more you’re able to nurture that relationship, and build trust with them, the more sales you will make.

All of this happens through your email communication with them…

The 3 Types of Emails to Turn Followers into Customers

Your primary goal should be getting your subscribers to the point where they look forward to receiving your communications, because they get tremendous value from them.

So let’s talk about the 3 primary types of emails that are essential to not only building that trust with your audience, but allowing that trust to translate into sales.

1. Nurture Emails

The most important type of email are your Nurture Emails.  These do exactly what the name implies.

If you want high engagement with your audience, you must consistently nurture that relationship with them.  You have to teach them.  You have to share valuable information with them.  In fact, if you’re reading this because of an email I sent you, you experienced a nurture email first hand. 

2. Promotional Emails

Promotional Emails are what you send when you’re releasing/promoting your product, service or program.  With this type of email, you must give your followers a deadline to buy.  People will not take action unless there is a deadline. 

There are many things you can do to create a deadline, such as adding special bonuses, offering a special ‘members only’ pricing, or opening and closing the enrollment within a short window of time.  You can be very creative regarding what you offer during your deadline.  

Even if your program is evergreen, meaning it’s available 24/7, you should still use some type of deadline to create an urgency to buy. 

3. Affiliate Emails

As you build trust with your audience, you can affiliate with other experts to promote their programs and expertise. 

This greatly benefits your audience, because you’re providing them with a trusted resource that can help them get additional results they desire.  After all, you have your zone of genius, and your affiliates have their zones of genius. 

These affiliations can become a tremendous source of revenue for you.  How many times have you bought something based on someone else’s recommendation?  Affiliations are the same.  You’re recommending something to your audience, that’s provided by someone else, and as a result you earn a percentage of that sale.

Strategically Implement

So hopefully this clarifies why your email list is your greatest asset, and you’re getting ideas on how to start implementing these 3 primary email content buckets into your business. 

It’s extremely important to consider how to approach communicating with your audience, and then methodically plan out your content delivery on a calendar.

You don’t want to burn out your audience by just constantly promoting to them.  Balance your nurture emails with promotional emails, then go back to nurturing, then make an affiliate offer, then back to nurturing, then promotion, then back to nurturing, and so on.

This is the exact email strategy I use in my business.

Of course there are various elements that go into writing and creating engaging emails, but I hope this gives you clarity on why your email list is your most valuable asset, why you must approach it with a well thought-out strategy, and why you must protect it.  The individuals on the other end of your communication have hopes, dreams, families, jobs, responsibilities, etc., and the more you’re able to nurture a relationship with them, the more long-term and repeat business they will provide for you.

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